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tewtymnsweexy (Gast)
| | Discovery of Lithium
Dr. Doug Stewart
Lithium was discovered past Johan Arfvedson in 1817, during an analysis of petalite
He organize the petalite contained ¡°silica, alumina and an alkali.¡± (1)
The unknown alkali metal in the petalite had harmonious ' properties.
It required more acid to even it than sodium and its carbonate was single sparingly soluble in water šC distant from sodium carbonate.
The imaginative alkali differed from potassium because it did not persuade a reckless with tartaric acid.
Arfvedson tried to beget a above suspicion sample of the recent metal sooner than electrolysis, but he was unfruitful; the battery he cast-off was not stalwart enough. (2)
The utter metal was unique the following year nearby both William Brande and Humphry Davy working independently.
Davy obtained a short total of lithium metal close to electrolysis of lithium carbonate. (3)
He notable the strange particular had a red glow color rather like strontium and produced an alkali colloidal suspension when dissolved in water.
In days less safety-conscious than the now, Brande said of lithium, ¡°its fluid tastes acrid like the other persistent alkalies.¡± (4)
By 1855 Robert Bunsen and Augustus Matthiessen were independently producing the metal in chunky quantities not later than electrolysis of molten lithium chloride.
Lithium¡¯s label is derived from the Greek confab ¡®lithos¡¯ meaning, ¡®stone.¡¯ | | | | chinchvan (Gast)
| | Natural gas poses amazing some transportation problems and is mainly shipped through pipelines. | | | | traurfany (Gast)
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| |
For example, generic equivalents to the brand name product Zocor must contain exactly the same amount of simvastatin, which is the active ingredient in Zocor. Medical purposes
include orthopedic support, post-operative recovery benefits, trauma rehabilitation, and pain relief, Michael Kors
Jet Set jjkss02ssj0ks. | | | | cothefotedist (Gast)
| |
For example, generic equivalents to the brand name product Zocor must contain exactly the same amount of simvastatin, which is the active ingredient in Zocor. Medical purposes
include orthopedic support, post-operative recovery benefits, trauma rehabilitation, and pain relief, Michael Kors
Jet Set jjkss02ssj0ks. |
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